I didn't know it had been that long since I wrote in my blog, so I best bring you all up to date on whats been happening. I continued to get out and about with my camera till about November time when my health took a turn for the worse. I was admitted to hospital after having a bad angina attack, after spending the night in hospital, I had to go and see the heart specialist and have a scan. The results of the scan weren't good with 2 of my main arteries closing up again. I was scheduled in to have an angiogram so he could see better what the problem was. The angiogram is a slightly painful procedure but gives the surgeon a clear view of where the problem lies. The surgeon came round later that day and informed me I needed an angioplasty and he would try and fit a couple of stents. Surgery was arranged for the beginning of December, but as the date was getting nearer it was postponed due to me still having swelling in my arm. It was rearranged for Mid-December. I duly turned up at the Freeman Hospital all prepared for the procedure. I was scheduled to go down just after lunch. I made it to the theatre only for there to be a major power cut in Newcastle, although the hospital has emergency generators there was not enough power to go ahead with the procedure. After waiting for another hour or so the surgeon decided to cancel the rest of the operations for the day. So I returned home without having the procedure. As Christmas was approaching I got a phone call from the main surgeon at the Freeman, he had a cancellation and could I come in on the 23rd for my procedure, could this be 3rd time lucky. Again I was scheduled to go down just after lunch. This time I was lucky and the surgery went ahead as planned 2hrs later I was back on the ward. I had 3 stents fitted to to my main arteries around the heart. My Wrist was still damaged from earlier surgery, so they had to go in via my groin, the only problem with this entry is you have to lie perfectly flat for 5hrs, so an overnight stay was required again. Christmas was quite and I couldn't do much having to rest up for a week afterwards. The weather was terrible in the North East so I didn't get out much. After visiting for my post Op Care with the cardiac nurse I was informed I had slight Post Operative Depression, apparently this is quite common for patients who have had heart surgery. I have just signed up for Project 365, where you take one photo a day, I though a challenge like this would get me out and about again and get the creative juices flowing again. Hopefully it will give me something to blog about as well. The Project starts on 14th Feb, I should get off to a good start as I am planning to go to the Chinese New Year.